Size of the property: (m2) approximately 135 m2
Number of bedrooms: 4
Number of bathrooms: 1
Type of house: Family house
Quality of public transportation: Good
Construction year of the house: 1956
Interior decoration: partly furnished
Flooring: Laminate
Also in this rental house:
- Parking possibility: Permit (no waiting list)
- Separate shower
- Storage: shed
- Bath tub
- Separate toilet
- Garden (facing west)
- Balcony (facing west)
- Ground floor, 1st floor & attic
• Pets not allowed
• Sharing not allowed
• No guarantors, the tenant must meet the income requirement himself
• Smoking not allowed
• Tenancy agreements subject to owner’s consent
• Measurements not conform NEN 2580
• Type of rental agreement: model C - rental period to be decided
The landlord will not purchase beds, furniture, small home appliances or kitchenware for the new tenants.
The rental price of this house is exclusive Gas/Electricity/Water, TV/Internet and local Taxes.